Working Together for Sustainable Society – Nature, Culture, Diversity

You are invited! – Seminar: Working Together for Sustainable Society – Nature, Culture, Diversity




  • Protected areas and other effective area-based conservation measures are expanding all over the world in order to achieve “30 by 30” Target, which aims to protect and conserve 30% of Earth’s surface by 2030.
  • To achieve this global goal, it is important not only to evaluate numerical target, but also to consider ecological perspectives in depth, culture and the socio-economic aspects of local communities, living near natural resources.
  • In this seminar, we will explore perspectives necessary for the sustainable society with researchers who have been conducting different studies on Mount Kilimanjaro in Africa for many years.
  • This will be a hybrid of on-site participation and online streaming (no recording).
  • Language: English. (but we welcome questions in Japanese in Q and A session. )



  • Opening Remarks Nao Takashina (Department of International Studies, The University of Tokyo)
  • Kilimanjaro – Hotspot of BiodiversityAndreas Hemp (University of Bayreuth, Department of Plant Systematics, Associate Professor)
  • Speciation Mechanisms of East African OrthopterClaudia Hemp (University of Bayreuth, Department of Plant Systematics, Associate Professor, Senckenberg Biodiversity and Climate Research Institute, Frankfurt)
  • Linguistic Diversity and Uniqueness in Kilimanjaro Bantu LanguagesDaisuke Shinagawa (Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)
  • Why do Indigenous People Plant Trees? – Economic motive, Belief, Social StructureMieko Miyazawa (Department of International Studies, The University of Tokyo)


Time and Date: Friday, 6 September 2024, 15:30 – 18:15 (UTC+9)


Venue: The University of Tokyo, Kashiwa Campus, Env. Bld. 1F Gallery. – Hybrid, On-site and Zoom.



Attend on-site for the opportunity to socialise with speakers (excluding Daisuke) in Kashiwanoha-campus station over dinner (at own expense).
Please note that you may freely change your participation method (on-site or online) on the day of the seminar. We will send zoom link to everyone before the seminar.



We look forward to your participation!!